Myths And Miseries Related To Acne Scar Treatment

Acne scar is a devastating condition which people come across after having acne, as it is related to ones self esteem. For this condition, our patients have consulted us and they are eager to have a permanent solution for this. Every one wants a treatment, which is having less downtime, limited number of sessions and cost effective. A number of treatment modalities are available these days that have their own pros and cons. The answer to our patient’s question, on what is best for them in terms of acne scar treatment is not a straightforward one.

Every single patient is different from the other one in terms of skin types, acne scar (there are different types), how long the acne was active, when they first started treatment of acne, what type of treatment they took and how long was the duration of the treatment. All these are definitely different for every single individual who is suffering from acne scars.

Treatment of acne scars must be individually directed as it depends upon the type of acne scar. One has to realize that the numbers of treatment sessions are multiple in order to get the maximum results.

There is a long list of treatment modalities available for acne scars but it has to be tailored according to each individual. Some of the patient will get benefit from one treatment while the other may get benefit from a different treatment option. So what are the treatment options available?

  • Chemical peel
  • Dermal fillers
  • Micro needling
  • Mesotherapy
  • Microdermabrasion
  • PRP
  • Subcision
  • Fat grafting
  • Laser

As we have a lot of options to treat acne scars in our armamentarium. One must always remember that not all of these options are suitable for every one as every individual has different kind of scars. The treatment options can be used individually or sometimes a combination of these is used to give best possible out come.

So visit a board certified plastic surgeon, so he or she can evaluate you and guide you to the treatment modality that is best for you and can help you enhance your self-esteem.

We will be glad to hear from you if you have any queries kindly do let us know.














2 thoughts on “Myths And Miseries Related To Acne Scar Treatment”

  1. Very informative SIR .. some times 0ne Can Get Acne in Their Late 40s .. (Adult acne ) why ?? If you can
    Reply ??

    1. Thank you madam for appreciating our blog and we hope it was informative to you as well.

      The answer to you question is prevalence of adult acne has increased in modern ear but unfortunately the reason for this increase remains unclear. Although there are some factors that can trigger it, like environmental factors, genetic factors, hormone concentrations, diet, smoke and stress but still the reason of this increase in adult acne is still unclear.

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